Maber Flats
Maber Flats is an agricultural area that floods seasonally and is an important over-wintering and foraging area for waterfowl, particularly as a Skylark nesting area. Vegetation is agricultural bordered by older second growth forest in some places, hedgerows and several Cottonwood trees. In addition to songbirds and wintering waterfowl, Peregrine Falcons, Bald Eagles, Northern Harriers and Short-eared Owls (less often) have been spotted in this area. Concerns and threats to this significant bird habitat area and migration zone include potential for subdivision and development or more intensive farming in the area that would alter drainage and may reduce bird populations in the area. There are also concerns around invasive species present.
Residents in the area are also concerned about recent in-filling of the the land with soil as is highlighted in the short video below.
Photo: Todd Carnahan
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